Remember, all manual transmission 968s are 6 speeds. I do think that the 968 will be a future collectible. It has all the attributes for a collectible. We'll have to wait an see.
Thanks for the correction. Yeah, worrying about how potentially collectible a certain model is going to be is a moot point. I realize now that if I was really after that slant I'd be buying an 80s 911 carrera.
As it stands I am seriously leaning hard towards the Boxster. I've found a cherry little 1999 Boxster silver exterior/red & black interior with sport package and hardtop and 25k miles on it. It was recently dealer inspected and it is all within my budget. I'm young and have no plans for kids in the near future. So when is the better chance to own a 2-seater convertible?
I'll probably be making my final decision this weekend. I'll post a picture or two of my final selection.