WTB - Motor Mounts for 968
Started by Scott Collins, Jan 26 2008 06:25 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 26 January 2008 - 06:25 AM
WTB - set of 2 motor mounts for 968. If anyone has a set out there that they know they will
not use and/or want to sell, please reach out to me within the next few days. Thanks.
not use and/or want to sell, please reach out to me within the next few days. Thanks.
Posted 02 February 2008 - 06:36 AM
Scott, I am having my motor mounts replaced next week and will offer the Lindsey Racing mounts for sale after they are removed. They lower the engine about 1/2 inch but are much more rigid than the stock mounts and caused a vibration in my 968 that I no longer want to live with. Let me know if you are interested and I will make you a very good deal. Good luck, Bob Blackwell.
Posted 02 February 2008 - 08:36 AM
Scott, I am having my motor mounts replaced next week and will offer the Lindsey Racing mounts for sale after they are removed. They lower the engine about 1/2 inch but are much more rigid than the stock mounts and caused a vibration in my 968 that I no longer want to live with. Let me know if you are interested and I will make you a very good deal. Good luck, Bob Blackwell.
Thanks for the note. PM sent.
Posted 23 February 2008 - 07:20 PM
Got 'em. Post closed.
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