I have the info at home, but my agreed value policy ( currently at $ 50 K if totaled , with a $ 1 K deductible, for only about $ 250 annual premium ) is issued by AIG , via a broker whose name escapes me at the moment ( used to be affiliated with Barrett-Jackson but spun off a few years ago ). No requirement to insure anything other that even just the physical damage and theft on the car, as long as you have liability as part of some other policy or multi-car policy, and the only restrictions ,IIRC, are : 1) it may not be tracked / raced 2) it may not be driven by someone under 25 years old, except in case of emergencies, 3) depending on your zip code there may be a requirement that the car is garaged ( enclosed ) at night and 4) annual mileage should be less than 5 K. I'll post the broker info later tonight, but keep in mind the premiums can vary VASTLY depending on age, family status, number of other cars, driving record ( regardless of which car ) , and residence location.
I haven't had a speeding violation or red light or stop light , etc. citation is 32 years ( aka I haven't been caught in 32 years
) , nor an accident caused by me, so maybe that contributes to the $ 250 cheap insurance.
Edited by ds968, 30 May 2019 - 01:32 PM.