Somehow this crazy idea started in my head some days ago. I have a good connection with the Vice President of PORSCHE US. He told me just the other day that the COO ,Joe Lawrence, had just purchased a pristine 968 in Amazon Green with low (23K) miles.
So this is what I am getting at. Would there be any interest among us West Coast 968 ( AZ, NV,OR,WA incl) to do a trek to Atlanta to show our 968's? I would off course try to seek some sponsorship from Porsche AG and Porsche US..The return trip would go over LA for a visit of the Porsche Museum.
This would be a huge task to put together and would not be until 2018 earliest. Inputs greatly appreciated. I know I am thinking a bit outside the box here but this could be the best 2-3 week vacation of your life.
Let me know folks, if I am totally out of my mind?