I have been talking for a while now about wanting to get out of this site. My focus has shifted, and I am no longer doing anything related to the 968. The car I still have will go away soon enough, and I am almost completely out of stock of all Design 1 Racing product. I find I have less and less in common with what drew me to the car in the first place. I do not expect to revisit this, and consequently want to sever all ties that might drag me back.
Recent events have brought this further into focus, as it is increasingly likely that I will be leaving the country, and do not want to deal with it long distance. It is already taking up too much of my time, and I really need to stop. I am prepared to shut it down, rather than have to deal with it.
I have spoken to Jay, and he has been substantially in agreement. It is time to find a new steward, or shut down the site.
So, you guys need to figure out how to take this over. We would like to see the work we have done continue, but would rather kill it than let it unravel. We would rather see a few enthusiasts get together and run it.
To that point, all offers will be considered. We spent a lot of money to buy it, and would like to see that come back, however, we will consider pretty much any arrangement.
Send inquiries to 968forums@gmail.com