So it's time to start serious planning for the West Coast Gathering 2017.
The hotel in Mendocino has changed, it's now going to be at the Hill House Inn.
It's owned by the same company as the Mendocino Hotel but it will be nicer and less expensive, better parking, etc. For those of you old enough to remember the old TV series "Murder She Wrote" with Angela Lansbury, this is the "Cabot Cove Lodge". Yep, Hollywood filmed a series supposedly based in Maine in N. CA, the shock of it all! More fake news!
The hotel will make the lounge area available to us separately where we can bring in our own wine, etc and visit into the evenings. There are many other places in the area at higher and lower rates for those who want to have more and those that want to spend less. I've stayed here before and enjoyed it.
Anyway, let's talk about the dates. Originally scheduled for June 23-25 (Friday-Sunday) with a room rate of $139/night. Several people commented that the Porsche Club Parade was going to be in Spokane WA (it's the week of July 9 - 15) and maybe more people would attend the gathering if it was tied into that week so only one trip north would be involved. The hotel does have space July 14-16 (that would be Friday-Sunday) at a rate of $149/night.
My personal preference would be the June dates as the area is less crowded, the roads would have less traffic. But, I'd like to hear from people that would attend the gathering only if it were the same time as Parade.
So, who would only attend if it were the end of Parade week vs who would rather attend in June? Post responses soon so I can lock down the dates.
We have a couple of group dinners planned, a drive down PCH (Highway1) to Bodega Bay with spectacular scenery, a great twisty mountain drive with a winery stop (or two, maybe a brewery stop ), and plenty of time to socialize.
Let's get this set up soon!