Many, many thanks to Bob (az968) for spearheading the event and getting us all together to make it happen. Given that I NEVER see another 968 in the Reno area, and rarely see them anywhere else, it was an amazing thing to be in a parking lot filled with them, and to interact with other owners and hear their various car stories and experiences.
I have been part of other car groups over the years. The Volvo Sport America 1800 club was OK, but they were a pretty stuffy group and were constantly comparing their cars to everyone else's. The 55-56-57 T-Bird group was totally and completely insufferable. This group reaffirmed my faith in Porsche owners. They drove their cars with spirit and partied with abandon. My wife had a great time, and is even looking forward to the next get-together. Because of the other cars she saw at the gathering, she is excited about having more things done to the 968. On the drive back to Reno we actually discussed the various wheels we saw on the other cars, and when I should get a new coat of paint!
Thanks again to all who attended, and sympathies to those who wanted to but couldn't make it, you missed some great roads, some excellent wine, and a lot of pleasant conversation.
Matt (MCL968)