if that means that somebody wants to go somewhere else, so be it. if, however, they want to spend the time and use the bloody search engine, or poke around a bit, they will find a wealth of information, and they won't waste people's time asking the same things over and over.
This came from Flash on another thread, and it touches on one of my biggest problems with the site. In the interests of keeping info in the relevant areas, I'm starting this thread here.
Many people don't have unlimited time to spend poking around the site. They have a question and they want the answer. So either they search or they post a question that's already been answered. And if they do search and don't find the answer, they'll ask. So that brings up the following observation:
The search process here ranks somewhere between bad and absurd. It often pulls up information that's completely irrelevant. That's not bad in itself... Where it really gets bad is when you do a search and quickly realize from the irrelevant results that you've forgotten to check one of the boxes, you're told you have to wait 20 seconds before you can search again.
Is this really necessary? Given that there are rarely more 10 people on the board at any given time, surely the processing demands of searches can't be that high. Even if it is necessary, can that 20 seconds be lowered to something more reasonable, like 5 seconds?