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Event: [Sunday - May 20th] Scenic Maryland - Civil War Tr

in Community Calendar
Added by bull30 , 13 May 2007

Taking place 19 May 2007 11:00 AM (Single Day Event)


[color=Blue][size=4][Sun, May 20th 9:00-10:00 meet; 10:15 Departure] Scenic Maryland - Civil War Trail Tour[/size][/color]

[color=Blue]Please join us for this incredible run!!![/color]

[color=Red]When:[/color] Sunday, May 20th. We will meet between 9:00–10:00AM for a prompt 10:15AM departure time.

[color=red]Where:[/color] We will gather at the Starbucks at Milestone Shopping Center in Germantown , MD. Directions below.

[color=red]Bring:[/color] A full tank of gas, an appetite, money for food ($20 should more than cover the meal), and a FRS or GMRS handheld radio (tuned to channel 7, subchannel 21) if you own one or a navigator that doesn't mind the twisties!!! If you plan to attend these drives regularly, I recommend getting a FRS or GMRS handheld radio… They are inexpensive and available at Costco, Best Buy, Circuit City and more… It's not a necessity but it does make it easier for all of us to keep in touch… Gina and I bought ours at Costco for $75.00 which included 3 radios, charging unit and earbuds…

[color=red]RSVP:[/color] PM me or respond on this thread if you are attending so I can alert the restaurant… Also, let me know if you are bringing someone with you so I can get an accurate head count...

[color=red]Event Fee:[/color] Believe it or not – FREE… What a bargain…

[color=red]Route:[/color] This route will take us through 2 little known tunnels following the [color=Blue]Civil War Trail[/color] through very historic and scenic areas of Maryland … The scenery on this tour is breathtaking and the roads are VERY challenging… A break will be planned on the route ending at the VERY scenic PB Dye Golf Club for lunch and our meet… There will be some tremendous photo opportunities on this run so bring the cameras and/or video equipment… Here's a link to PB Dye: http://www.pbdyegolf.com/

[color=red]The Dine & Meet:[/color] This time the Meet is just before, during and after the Dine at the golf club... We will have a lot of private parking at a VERY scenic spot for nice pictures... We will be able to stand around and chat without having to worry about being run over or being pressured to leave for the drive...

[color=red]Questions?[/color] PM me or this thread! Everyone will get detailed directions the day of the event…

[color=red]Directions to Starbucks Milestone: [/color]
[u]Heading South on RT 270 from Frederick Area: [/u]
Get off at Exit 16 Father Hurley Blvd and turn left at the light at end of ramp… Take Father Hurley Blvd to entrance to Milestone Shopping Center on right… Pull into entrance and take first left or second left and proceed to Starbucks on left…

[u]Heading North on RT 270 from RT 495: [/u]
Get off at Exit 16 Father Hurley Blvd and bear right on ramp toward Damascus … Take Father Hurley Blvd to entrance to Milestone Shopping Center on right… Pull into entrance and take first left or second left and proceed to Starbucks on left…

[u]From RT 70 Baltimore Area: [/u]
Get off RT 70 at Exit 68 which is RT 27 Mt. Airy exit… Take RT 27 South through Damascus (stay on RT 27 as it takes a Right in Damascus ) and continue until you get to RT 355 Frederick Road… Take Left on RT 355 and proceed to first light and turn right into Milestone Shopping Center … Go to stop sign and turn right and you will see Starbucks…

From other areas: Use your GPS or favorite online mapping program and head to address:

[color=red]Starbucks Milestone [/color]
20934 Frederick Road
Germantown , Maryland 20874

[color=Red]Directions to PB Dye Golf Club for those just attending the Dine & Meet:[/color] http://www.pbdyegolf...t/direction.php

[color=Blue][size=4]If you can not make the drive, please join us at the PB Dye Golf Club for the Dine & Meet… The tour will be arriving at the golf club at 1:00pm… [/size][/color]


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