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Event: Fiesta del Porsche

in Community Calendar
Added by bob blackwell , 26 May 2005

Taking place 26 May 2005 through 30 May 2005 11:00 AM - 10:59 AM (Recurring Event)

bob blackwell

Fiesta del Porsche 30th Anniversary in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fiesta del Porsche is 30 and we are having a party! Come join us for the 30th Anniversary of the Roadrunner Region, PCA Fiesta del Porsche. We've shifted venues from Santa Fe to Albuquerque's Old Town Historic District (2006 will be the 300th Anniversary of aAbuquerque!) with a greater variety of events and unprecedented convenience among venues. We have some great events in store for those who come to pay homage to an event that started with meager beginnings way back in the decade of the Disco, permed hair (for men!) polyester bell-bottoms, and platform shoes. It's hard to believe that we have been having this much fun for this long, but it's true. This year promises to be even more fun than ever before.

We'll kick things off with Early Registration on Thursday Evening for those die hards who just can't wait. Then on Friday we will have the always popular Concours d'Elegance on Albuquerque's Historic Old Town Plaza just minutes (walking distance) from the host hotel l- the Sheraton Old Town - with lots of shopping and great Southwestern flair. Many participants will park their cars for Display Only, not to be judged which adds to the popularity of this event. A great assembly of all sorts of Porsche cars is guaranteed!
Friday evening we'll have out traditional Drivers Meetings for the Autocross and Rally events. Refreshments will be provided in the best Southwestern Tradition while we hear all about the treachery that will be unleashed upon the daring souls wo negotiate the driving events in the coming days.

Early Saturday morning the autocrossers will travel out to Sandia Motorsports Park for an Autocross Roadrunner Style on a road course with just enough cones to keep us honest and safe. ;For those who are more interested in touring in their Porsches than buzzing around a road course, there will be a non-competitive, self-guided gumball rally that will wind through the Rio Grande valley with plent of shopping and sight-seeing al;ong the way.

After a brief respite, those of us who hunger for unrivaled beauty will go for a short drive over to the base of the Sandia Crest where we will embark on a ride up to 10,300 feet above sealevel on the worlds longest single span tramway. At the top we'll dine during the sunset hour at the High finance Restaurant and enjoy a hundred-mile view in each direction.

Have fun that night, but don't stay up too late because there's even more action on Sunday when there is a choice of a Rally or a Drive-out to Jemez Red Rock Canyon and mountain country. The Rheinschmidt's have planned one of their famoous Rallies that promises to be both fun and challanging. Sean Cridland and Bill Oaks will lead the Drive-out that will stop at Jemez Pueblo for one of their uniqueand very tasty Pueblo feast brunches with the most authentic New Mexico food that you will ever taste. From there, the drive will proceed up the canyon into the mountains where a stop is planned at the Valle Caldera for a talk on geology, flora and fauna of the area.

Sunday evening will bring the big finale Awards Banquet back at the Sheraton Old Town Hotel which will be a great opportunity for everyone to share stories, relax and exchange addresses and phone numbers and emails in order to keep track during the year so we can share adventures in all the other PCA Regions too. After the Awards (and Door Prizes!) are handed out dessert is finished and nightcaps are had, it'll be time to say "hasta luego" for another year. Will we even have the energy to drive home? Of course we will, we drive Porsches!


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