it's time for an ortega highway run - this is proported to be one of the most fun roads in southern california
this date has been shifted around, but is now firmed on the 18th - even with the shifting, it looks like we have a good group for this
some us will rendezvous at the new "crystal cove" location at the ford corportate headquarters off the alton parkway exit off highway 5 - we will be there a bit before 7am
we will then depart about 8:30 to arrive at my house in laguna niguel by 9am
then a driver's meeting
then off we go to attack the canyons
afterward we will return here at my house for a barbeque
bring nothing but enthusiasm (ok - beer is always welcome)
come hang out, see the cars, make the run, or just show up for the barbeque
please rsvp so i can get a shopping list head count
contact me via email (no pms please) for directions and contact info
Events for August 17, 2007
in Community Calendar
August 2007
August 2007
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