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Events for June 05, 2006

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----- Rocky Mountain High 968 Gathering
By coloradocab

2006 Rocky Mountain High
June 3-4, 2006

This year marks our fifth anniversary of this event, celebrating all Porsches, and featuring the 968. We've had a great time in the past, and this year will be no different.

The emphasis, as always, is on the people. This is a laid back event that always attracts a great bunch, including some from thousands of miles away. So, polish up your Porsche, prepare for a fun drive, friendly people, and a great display of cars!

[U]Saturday, June 3rd[/U]
We’ll begin with a fun Driving Tour, exploring some great Colorado roads, followed by BBQ. Expect a cost of about $30 per person, including food.

[U]Sunday, June 4th[/U]
We will caravan up to the CP Concours of Colorado up in Denver, and display the cars along with 250+ other exotic sports cars. It's always a very impressive display. You can have your car judged or not – it’s up to you. Expect a cost of $30 per car if you register by April 28th. Any registrations received after April 28th will be $50 per car.

[U]Monday, June 5[/U]
Not a part of the official event, but we plan on renting time on a local track on this day. Details to be shared with registrants.

Fill out the special Rocky Mountain High registration form (found on www.pca.org/alp), and send it, along with your check, payable to AMR/PCA, to Rocky Mountain High Registration, 5120 Hearthstone Lane, Colorado Springs, CO, 80919.

Questions? Contact Chris Lennon at cjlennon@adelphia.net, or 719-487-2842, or alternatively, contact Ken Tuttle at lktuttle@msn.com.

June 2006
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